my latest research obsession has been Yosegi (japanese mosaic style) and Himitsu-Baku (japanese puzzle boxes). Ironically, the first time I saw one of these boxes was in Epcot Center at Walt Disney World. I guess that's why I love disney world so much, it always suprises me. Anyway, I spent a long time playing with it and figuring it out. I couldn't believe how precise all the joints were and the mosaic work. Not to mention if all the box did was just sit there that would be beautiful enough.There is not a whole lot of information that I could find on making these boxes but I did find a little bit about them. You can click here if you want to read more about the art of yosegi.
title> Himitsu-Baku Japanese Puzzle Box style> Yosegi material> wood and mosaic wood source>Yosegi.netand
I am a recovering graphic designer trying to find a more relative career for my interests and skills. I love working with my hands and crafting. Obviously, I like wood as a medium.